Previous: Taking Flight | Next: Rebirth |
Return to the Balmera[]
Suffering Planet[]
A Delicate Plan[]
[The Castle of Lions is approaching the Balmera. The team stands in the Bridge.]
- ALLURA: "We'll be arriving at the Balmera soon. Liberating these Balmerans from Zarkon's grasp will not be easy."
- LANCE: "So, what's the plan? We go in there and just—Pow, pow, pow!"
[LANCE imitates laser fire.]
- LANCE: "—And free the prisoners?"
- KEITH: "What was that noise?"
- LANCE: "Laser guns."
[HUNK imitates a huge laser cannon.]
- HUNK: "—Pow!"
- LANCE: "That sounds like fireworks."
- PIDGE: "Technically, they're more like—ba-choo, ba-choo, ba-choo!"
[PIDGE imitates firing a small laser gun.]
- SHIRO: "Okay, enough with the bad sound effects. ... Besides, it's more like— blam, blam, blam!"
[SHIRO dramatically imitates firing a laser gun.]
- KEITH: "What?"
- PIDGE: "You're crazy."
- LANCE: "No way."
- HUNK: "Nuh—Wrong."
- ALLURA: "Paladins, focus."
- HUNK: "Besides, we can't just shoot at the Galra. This Balmera, it's, like, alive. And from what we've seen, it doesn't look very good."
- CORAN: "Yes, it's an atrocity what the Galra have been doing to this grand beast. Stealing its Crystals, its very life force, without ever performing the energy rejuvenation ceremonies to heal it."
- HUNK: "After seeing Shay's people enslaved, it made me realize how bad Zarkon really is. And we're the only ones who can stop him."
- SHIRO: "Okay, so we can't go into the tunnels guns blazing. Plan B. We figure out how to draw the Galra up to the surface and battle them out there."
- HUNK: "Wait, I know! If we attack all of this big mining stuff on the surface, the Galra troops will have to come out to defend it. Then we beat them up, head down to the tunnels, Voltron saves the day."
[A cartoon image of HUNK's plan appears.]
- SHIRO: "But how will we know how many are left down in the tunnels?"
- ALLURA: "We can track the Galra and the Balmerans using Biothermal Life Indicator Point Technology."
[ALLURA brings up a hologram of a BLIP drone.]
- PIDGE: "Oh, BLIP tech!"
[ALLURA does not understand and stares at PIDGE silently.]
- PIDGE: "... It's an acronym?"
- ALLURA: "One of you will need to fly around the Balmera and drop sensors into the shafts on each side."
[The hologram imitates the plan.]
- ALLURA: "Then we'll be able to see where the Galra and the Balmerans are. There are already sensors built into your suits."
- PIDGE: "I can do it. I just modified the Green Lion with the invisible maze's cloaking ability. I should be able to fly around unnoticed."
[CORAN brings up an image of the Balmera's surface on screen.]
- CORAN: "That's their main power generator. If you take that down, it will severely weaken their defenses."
- ALLURA: "We'll stay in cloud cover and give tactical support. With the Castle's defenses weakened from Sendak's Crystal, we won't be of much help to you."
- SHIRO: "I'll take out the power generator. Keith, Lance, Hunk, you take out these big mining rigs around the area."
- HUNK: "Yeah! Okay, let's do this! Let's go kick some alien butt!"
Fire and Ice[]
[The Paladins prepare to launch.]
- LANCE: "You think the Balmerans will have a parade for us after we've freed everybody?"
[KEITH sends a video transmission to LANCE.]
- LANCE: "No, I know. I know. But still. When they—"
[The Blue Lion launches from the Castleship, jolting LANCE. The Lions fly towards the Balmera's surface; the Galra structures start firing lasers.]
- SHIRO: "This is it. Get your heads in the game. Remember, the Balmera is a living creature. Make sure you pinpoint only the Galra installations and not its surface."
- PIDGE: "Initiating cloak."
[The Green Lion separates from the group and turns invisible to drop BLIP drones. LANCE and HUNK destroy Galra weapons.]
- SHIRO: "How do I take this thing down?"
[The Black Lion displays its Jaw Blade on the screen of the cockpit.]
- SHIRO: "What's that? Jaw blade? Okay! Let's do this!"
[SHIRO uses the Black Lion's jaw blade to destroy the power generator. PIDGE finishes dropping BLIP drones.]
- PIDGE: "All sensors delivered."
[A holographic map of the Balmera and all living lifeforms on it appears in the Castle of Lions. The power generator still has an active and massive laser cannon attacking the Red Lion. After dodging, the Red Lion fires its heat ray to melt through the cannon's tower.]
- KEITH: "Whoa! Did you guys just see that? I got fire power!"
- LANCE: "Hey! I want that!"
[The cannon tower begins to fall towards the Balmera's surface.]
- KEITH: "Oh, no!"
[HUNK struggles to hold the tower upright with the Yellow Lion.]
- LANCE: "I think my Lion knows what to do!"
[LANCE uses the Blue Lion's freeze ray to freeze the tower in place.]
- LANCE: "Ha-Aw, snap! These rays are super cool, just like me!"
- SHIRO: "Great job, team!"
[The Paladins wait for troops from the Galra Empire to appear. Nothing happens.]
- KEITH: "Where are all the troops? They're not coming to the surface."
[HUNK sends KEITH a video transmission.]
- HUNK: "Yeah, I remember seeing a lot of Galra guys down in the mines."
[ALLURA is looking at a map of the Balmera and radios to the Paladins.]
- ALLURA: "We've located a hangar full of Galra fighters just below the surface. Someone has to take those out before they can launch."
- SHIRO: "They're luring us down, but we have no choice. Keith, Lance, you guys hit the hangar. Hunk, head to the prison to rescue Shay and the other Balmerans. Pidge and I will track down the Galra soldiers."
- KEITH: "Yes, sir!"
- LANCE: "Ten-four!"
- PIDGE: "On it!"
- HUNK: "Let's do this!"
[The Lions fly off.]
A Trap[]
[THACE approaches PROROK at ZARKON's Central Command System.]
- THACE: "Commander Prorok, we have word from the troops on Balmera X-95 Vox. The informants were right. Voltron is there."
- PROROK: "Excellent. Everything is going according to plan."
- PROROK: "Contact Subcommander Ylvik. His fleet is awaiting my command. Tell him it's time to attack. I will update the Emperor."
The Hangar[]
[The Paladins drop their Lions at the bottom of mine shafts and navigate the tunnels with their speeders. KEITH and LANCE scope out the Galra hangar.]
- KEITH: "The entire hangar's only being guarded by a few Sentries."
[KEITH readies his Bayard and prepares to attack.]
- KEITH: "Let's go!"
[LANCE grabs KEITH and pulls him back.]
- LANCE: "Whoa, w-w-whoa, whoa! Cool your jets, Keith! Don't you remember all that stuff about this Balmera thing being a sensitive animal?"
- KEITH: "Oh. Right."
- LANCE: "Yeah, so we can't just blow things up like a psycho."
- KEITH: "Oh, You got a better idea?"
- LANCE: "I do. We sneak into the control room to shut down the bay doors. That'll trap the ships in."
- KEITH: "That—! ... Actually... is a better idea."
[KEITH and LANCE start sneaking towards the hangar's control room. The Castleship is tracking everyone's movements. HUNK is in his speeder traversing the mine tunnels.]
- HUNK: "Allura, Coran, w-what's my location? All these tunnels look the same. I can't remember where the prison is."
- CORAN: "You're on the right path. Turn right at the next tunnel. Once you get there, you'll have to disable the energy doors. Be careful. It looks like it's heavily guarded."
[KEITH and LANCE are breaking in to the control room of the hangar from above. A Sentry stands at the controls.]
- LANCE: "No, no. It's over here."
- KEITH: "I know what I'm doing."
[KEITH uses his Bayard katar to slice a hole in the ceiling above the Sentry. LANCE kicks the hole open, crushing the Sentry underneath its weight. Both Paladins enter the control room.]
- LANCE: "Keep an eye out for those guards. I'll see if I can find a way to shut the hangar doors."
[KEITH nods and stands watch. LANCE inspects the computer console.]
- LANCE: "Uh... Hmm. Nope. Maybe. Uh... Uh... Mm..."
[LANCE presses buttons to no avail.]
- LANCE: "Ah, I don't know what I'm doing here. It's all Galra gibberish."
- KEITH: "Let me see."
[KEITH inspects the console and then puts his hand on the hand print, activating the bay doors and closing them.]
- LANCE: "Whoa! How'd you do that?"
- KEITH: "I just put my hand on the hand print."
The Tunnels[]
[HUNK approaches the prison in his speeder. Galra Sentries are fleeing, but some fire at him. HUNK exits his speeder and blasts the Sentries with his Bayard cannon.]
- HUNK: "That was way too easy. I definitely don't have a good feeling about this."
[HUNK uses a broken Sentry hand to unlock the prison doors and enter. He finds SHAY'S family, but not SHAY.]
- SHAY'S FATHER: "Hunk, you have returned!"
[SHAY's family greets HUNK, sans RAX, who sits aside.]
- RAX: "Our life may not have been perfect, but our family was whole. Your arrival has left us imprisoned and torn apart. As soon as your attack started, they took her away to the core of the Balmera. For all we know, she could be gone for good."
[ALLURA notices strange movement by the Galra on the Castleship's map.]
- ALLURA: "Paladins, are you there? The Galra troops are moving down the tunnels. It looks like they're going down toward the center."
[HUNK rushes off to the Balmera's core. SHIRO is still in his speeder.]
- SHIRO: "They're drawing us into an ambush, but we don't have a choice if we want to save Shay. We have to follow. Lance, Keith, get to the core. I think we're going to need everyone together to get through this firefight."
[LANCE and KEITH are still in the control room. The bay doors finish shutting.]
- LANCE: "Copy that. We're on our way."
[KEITH damages the computer console; LANCE damages the lock to the door so no one can access it. Both leave. PIDGE is in her speeder, but the tunnel becomes too narrow. ALLURA speaks to PIDGE over their communication channel.]
- ALLURA: "Looks like you're in an area where the tunnels are too narrow for your speeder."
- PIDGE: "Yeah. Proceeding on foot."
[PIDGE enters the narrow tunnel and sees shadows approaching.]
- PIDGE: "There's someone here."
- ALLURA: "Looking into it."
[The shadows come closer; PIDGE summons her Bayard and rushes to attack.]
[PIDGE stops when she sees Balmeran children.]
- PIDGE: "Phew!"
[PIDGE greets the children, but the Balmera groans and trembles, so the Balmeran children run in fear. One child trips and is nearly crushed by falling rock. PIDGE saves them.]
- PIDGE: "Don't worry."
[PIDGE speaks to the other Paladins through the communication channel.]
[LANCE and KEITH immediately run into a squadron of Galra Sentries that bombard them with laser fire.]
[The Balmera is crying in pain.]
- LANCE: "Well, we can't shoot back! It'll just make it worse."
[LANCE looks around and devises a plan, trying to direct KEITH with motions instead of words.]
- KEITH: "Huh?"
[KEITH does not understand at all, but looks around and figures out what LANCE intends. KEITH climbs a latter to sneak above the Sentries. LANCE jumps out in front of them and waves his arms.]
- LANCE: "Na-na Na-na boo-boo!"
[LANCE defends himself with his shield as the Sentries fire at him. KEITH jumps down from above and attack the Sentries, destroying them. LANCE gives KEITH a thumbs-up.]
[HUNK runs to the core of the Balmera and finds no one there but SHAY, muzzled and hanging from the ceiling.]
[HUNK shoots SHAY free and catches her as she falls. SHIRO and PIDGE arrive.]
- SHIRO: "Where are the Galra? If this is an ambush, they should be here waiting for us."
[KEITH and LANCE arrive; the doors to the core suddenly all shut.]
- HUNK: "Not an ambush. More like a trap."
- KEITH: "Whatever it is, keep your guard up."
- PIDGE: "How?"
- SHAY: "I know not. But they set this trap just for you. I was the bait."
- SHIRO: "We have to figure out how to get out of here."
- KEITH: "How do you expect her to do that, genius?"
- LANCE: "I don't know, maybe they got teleporters or something."
[ALLURA and CORAN are on the Castleship under attack.]
- ALLURA: "We're quite occupied at the moment. We're completely surrounded by Galra ships and we're taking heavy fire!"
- CORAN: "Princess, our particle barrier won't last much longer!"
- ALLURA: "Paladins, you need to get out of there as soon as you can!"
[In the core of the Balmera, LANCE looks dejected.]
- LANCE: "This is it! We're going to die in here. I can say bye-bye to that parade."
[No one is impressed.]
- SHAY: "Perhaps my people can help us get out."
[SHAY places her hand on the Balmera's core.]
- SHAY: "This is how we communicate. The Balmera senses our vibrations and sends a message to those in the tunnels."
- KEITH: "Are you sure someone will be able to hear your... hand from all the way down here?"
[SHAY focuses and the area around her hand glows. The Balmera groans as it sends the message to RAX and their family. RAX places his hand on the ground and it glows.]
- SHAY'S FATHER: "She's alive!"
- RAX: "The Paladins of Voltron went to the core of the Balmera to save Shay... and now they are all trapped."
- SHAY'S FATHER: "Then we are all doomed."
- RAX: "This is all my fault. I conspired against them, and because of my actions, Shay was imprisoned. The big yellow one was right. If we ever hope to be free, we must take action."
- SHAY'S FATHER: "But how can we rise up against our Galra overlords?"
- RAX: "What choice do we have? They have stolen all of the Crystals from our Balmera. Our lives are worthless to them now."
- SHAY'S FATHER: "But Balmerans have never fought."
- RAX: "You taught me that without family, we have nothing. The Galra have taken Shay. How can we do nothing while the Paladins sacrifice everything to save us? We must do our part!"
To the Skies[]
Glory and Power[]
[PROROK kneels before ZARKON on the Emperor's Command Ship.]
- ZARKON: "Proceed."
- PROROK: "I have the Voltron Paladins trapped on a Balmera in the Javeeno star system. I've ordered a fleet to capture the Lions and destroy the Altean Castle."
- ZARKON: "You fool! You dare make plans without informing me?"
- PROROK: "Forgive me, Emperor... but I saw an opportunity and I took it for the glory of the Galra Empire."
- ZARKON: "I suspect that you are seeking your own glory, Prorok. But you do not realize Voltron's power."
[At the Balmera, A fleet of Galra fighter jets splits off from the ones attacking the Castle of Lions.]
- CORAN: "They're heading down into the tunnels! They're going to steal the Lions!"
- ALLURA: "Paladins, the Lions are in danger! You must get back to them immediately!"
- CORAN: "Princess, something's locked onto us."
[A Galra warship suddenly appears.]
- ALLURA: "Paladins, do you copy? There's a battle cruiser locked onto us. If it fires with its ion cannon, I don't know if we can survive."
- LANCE: "We're trying, Allura. Shay's pressing her hand against the wall, which apparently sends vibrations to the other rock people, who vibrate back or something? Hand talking? I guess the answer to your question is, 'Yes, we copy.'"
[SHAY focuses harder. Her family stands outside a doorway to the core and uses their hands to instruct the Balmera into crushing the doorway open. RAX and his family enter the core of the Balmera.]
- RAX: "We must make haste. We know a shortcut through the tunnels."
[Two fighter jets are using tracer beams to raise the Black Lion. ALLURA speaks over the communication channel.]
- ALLURA: Paladins, hurry! They're taking off with the Lions!"
[SHIRO launches his speeder towards the Black Lion, slipping through a hole in its force field to take control and free the Lion from the Galra.]
- SHIRO: "Guys, did everyone make it to the Lions in time?"
[LANCE is not paying attention so the Blue Lion runs into a mining structure.]
- SHIRO: "Do you really want me to answer that?"
- LANCE: "No."
- SHIRO: "Let's go!"
[The Paladins fly their Lions at the large fleet of Galra fighter jets and engage in battle.]
[PIDGE shields the Yellow Lion from laser fire with the Green Lion's back shield.]
- Shiro: "Got you covered!"
[SHIRO uses the Black Lion's jaw blade to destroy the fighter jets.]
- HUNK: "Phew! Thanks, guys!"
[Up above, the Galra warship prepares to fire.]
- CORAN: "It's charging its ion cannon!"
- ALLURA: "Divert all shields to the bow."
[The Castle of Lions focuses its particle barrier to take the brunt of the assault and struggles to survive the blast form the ion cannon.]
- ALLURA: "Paladins, I need you immediately! Five more ticks and we're finished!"
- PALADINS: "Yeah!"
[The Paladins form Voltron and slam into the Galra warship, diverting its cannon from the Castle of Lions.]
- CORAN: "Right now is our chance, Princess!"
- ALLURA: "Full power on the blasters! Locked onto target. Fire!"
[The Castle of Lions blasts the Galra warship through, causing it to explode and destroy all surrounding fighter jets.]
- HUNK: "Yeah!"
- KEITH: "Yeah!"
- PIDGE: "Nice shot, Princess!"
- LANCE: "Yeah! The parade's back on."
Unending Threat[]
[PROROK still kneels before ZARKON in the throne room of the Emperor's Command Ship. A Galra soldier speaks over the intercomm.]
- GALRA SOLDIER : "The Galra fleet and all Sentries on the Balmera have been defeated!"
- PROROK: "No! How could this be? Lord Zarkon, I will do all that I can to recapture Voltron for the Galra!"
[Meanwhile, Voltron lands on the Balmera. The Castle of Lions descends towards the surface.]
- KEITH: "Mission accomplished."
- ALLURA: "And just in the tick of time. The Castle's defenses are battered and will need to fully recharge."
[The Castle alarms start blaring.]
[A transport ship carrying the Robeast Drazil crashes into the Balmera.]
- LANCE: "What the heck is that?"
- SHIRO: "... Trouble."
[Episode ends with the Paladins waiting for Drazil to awaken from its ship.]